Same question but different way of answering it
2014 02 25
In one of my former postings I told about Prince Charles visiting me in a dream and putting a lotto coupon under my pillow. After not winning I was wondering what this all was about. I concluded that I was tested if I would be ready to be entrusted with a lot of money in order to spend it wisely for people in need. Later on I told several people about my conclusion and some of them doubted it. So I was starting to wonder if maybe I was wrong. Today I’ve read in the book Urantia a clear answer to this question:
Urantia 132:5.11 7. Except for the just and legitimate fees earned in administration, no man should lay personal claim to that wealth which time and chance may cause to fall into his hands. Accidental riches should be regarded somewhat in the light of a trust to be expended for the benefit of one’s social or economic group. The possessors of such wealth should be accorded the major voice in the determination of the wise and effective distribution of such unearned resources. Civilized man will not always look upon all that he controls as his personal and private possession.
I am not saying in general that money received by winning in the lottery has to be spent for other people in need. My question if I was wrong about my conclusion was answered in a personal way. At first I wanted to know why I did not win at the lottery and the answer came a couple of days later. After starting to wonder if this answer was really true I received a second answer by reading this text in Urantia. The first answer was a rather intellectual insight. But the second answer led to a feeling of inner peace, happiness and assurance by experiencing that my doubts and questions are taken care of.
(The whole book Urantia is available for free in the app-stores of Apple and Google or your can read it online
Heavenly yours
My Mother in Heaven
2014 04 16
(Written by KATHARINA) I was asked on short notice if I would hold a 4-day-seminar. Also because it was well paid I spontaneously agreed. After hanging up the telephone I felt happy and took a folder with papers for a similar seminar that I held a couple of years ago, went quickly through it and thought that the material would be sufficing.
But the evening before I got pretty sick from self-doubt by skimming through the material and realizing that it would never last for 4 days. I got anxious and disturbed about it and was shure that I would be a miserable failure. In my distress about where to get the missing material from, the only thing I could do was to pray. I also turned to my deceased mother who always believed in me and my abilities. All of a sudden a postcard fell out of my folder that I had never ever seen before in my life.
Referring to psalm 23 it read correspondingly: „The Lord gives again and again a moment of silence, breathing space where I become aware of myself. He puts pictures in front of my soul which center myself and give me calmness. Many times he lets me accomplish something without effort and it surprises myself how confident I can be. I realize: if I confide in this Lord the heart stays calm. He is there in every hour and in everything and so everything else looses its threatening appearance. In addition it is just beautiful to know, that I am on the trail of my Lord and that I am now and forever at his home.“
At first I was totally puzzled. But on the other hand nothing surprises me anymore because I always got supported when I asked for it. I turned the postcard and saw it was from a certain publishing company where my mother used to buy books and calendars…
Heavenly yours
Talking to someone who didn’t want to listen
2014 04 27
I once drove a car on the highway and decided to change the lane. After a quick look in the backview mirror I pulled to the left and then I heard a squeaking noise of breaks. I immediately pulled back to the right and then a motorcycle pulled up. The guy riding the bike looked like a rocker, showed me his fist and obviously called me very bad names that I luckily couldn’t hear. It dawned on me that I had overseen him and almost killed him when I had changed the lane. This guy was as angry and furious as can be. By his body language it was pretty obvious that he would have liked to drag me out of my car and at least beat me up if not kill me on the spot. I have never seen somebody as angry as this man. If looks could kill I would have dropped down dead that very moment. And despite of his acting I could very clearly feel his anger. I got scared.
But what to do? For some unknown reasons we have accepted signs of body language to express anger (fist waving) and insult (I hopefully don’t have to explain). But how do you express „I am realy very, very, very sorry – please forgive me“? No way to show that. The next emotion I felt from him was something like „I will not let you go. I will get you and then I will finish you off!“
So what to do? I started to talk to him in my mind. I expressed my sorrow about my mistake of not looking careful enough before changing the lane. I told him that I am actually a biker myself and that I was almost killed several times due to the mistakes of some stupid car drivers who just didn’t care about motorbikes. I asked him to forgive me again and again. He followed me anyway. He was right behind and I sensed him thinking „Your are going to be finished. The moment you get off that highway and stop at the next traffic light I will get you!“ I therefore decided to stay on the higway. Luckily I wasn’t to run out of gas for a long time, but he (hopefully) would.
To make a long story short, after half an hour of me asking for forgiveness and him following me anyway I felt a change in his emotions. His anger got gradually less intense. At least he didn’t want to finish me off anymore. After another 15 minutes he drove off the highway. And it wasn’t because of a lack of gas. It was because his anger was less intense. But since I still could feel a certain amount of that anger, I continued to ask him to forgive me and explained to him my sorrow for my stupid mistake. Physically he was gone but from a spiritual point of view he was still with me and still angry – although less and less. Finally after about two hours of gradually diminishing anger he let go off me. I couldn’t sense him anymore.
Ever since that incident if I have to solve something with a person that I can’t talk to or who won’t listen to me, I later sit down alone and in a moment of silence. I then turn toward this person by focusing my emotions on him and visualising him in front of me. Then I tell him how I feel. It always amazes me when I later meet this person and see how his attitude toward me has changed for the better or that he now is willing to listen to me.
It is never too late to talk to somebody, especially by asking to be forgiven.
Heavenly yours
Proof of a story told by someone else
2014 05 20
Once a friend told me that his grandmother had a wart above her right eye and another one above her left eye. After she heard that Jesus can heal all kind of illnesses she one night put her hand on one of the warts and prayed: „Dear Lord, I believe that you can also remove warts. I therefore ask you to remove this one“. The next morning it was gone. The following night she tried the same prayer for the remaining wart. But it didn’t work out. She tried many nights, but no way.
I will not bother you with the morals. But probably you now ask yourself the very same question that I asked myself: is this story made up? Despite of my friend being an honest man, the story made sense to me. So from time to time I told it to other people. But frankly, what is a story worth that you heard from someone who heard it from someone else? Not as much as if it would be your very own story, right? Therefore I stopped telling it.
Years later I found a birthmark on my chest that looked different than others. It grew three dimensional and had a different color. So I went to my doctor and asked if I should get it removed. After observing it carefully she said that it wasn’t a birthmark. It was a wart. Actually nothing to worry about. But just in case it would bother me too much I could come back and she would remove it.
A couple of weeks later it still grew. It now had the size of a small finger nail. I once had a wart removed by a doctor with a sharpened spoon, which didn’t hurt but felt very, very uncomfortable.
So I decided to do what was told in the story that I mentioned. But I felt that I needed to adopt the method. I put my hand on the wart and told it: „Dear wart, I was thinking why you came to me and if there is maybe something that you wanted me to teach. I admit that I don’t get the lesson but I appreciate you for being here. I ask you now to leave me again. Thank you for having been with me and thank you for leaving me.“
The next day it was still there. A week later I realized some change in its form. Another week later it was pretty obvious that it got smaller. After another week it was only attached by a small string and the wart itself had become dry. One morning when I pulled of my shirt it fell down on the floor. I showed the wart to my wife and children and then I put it in a matchbox. A couple of weeks later I threw it away. It actually didn’t look anymore like a wart and therefore it would have been no evidence to convince someone who doesn’t believe a story just because he is told that it is true.
Heavenly yours
A light for Robin Williams
2014 08 12
Today I read in the news that Robin Williams committed suicide due to suffering from depression. He was a great actor.
In the movie „What dreams may come“ he played a Dr. Nielsen who got killed as he tried to help in a car accident. He than arrives in a bright and colorful afterworld where he meets his two children who died in an accident a couple of years before him. Meanwhile his beloved wife and now widow kills herself due to being depressed because of the loss of her whole family. But she ends up alone in a dark and scary underworld where she continues to be depressed and doesn’t realize that she is dead. Although Dr. Nielsen is told that it is impossible to save her he starts a bold venture looking for his wife which leads him through severals stages of the afterworld down to the lowest place where he finally meets her. Tragically she doesn’t recognize him and he decides to stay with her anyway for the price of loosing his self-awareness. This selfless act leads to the salvation of both of them. Finally they are reunited with their children in the bright place where Dr. Nielsen began his journey.
It is impossible to tell or show all about the afterworld. But as far as I know there is no other movie that shows an excerpt of the possibilities and challenges in the afterworld as well as this one. Since the story in the movie isn’t just made up but is based on spiritual realities, there is a certain possibility that now Robin Williams may be facing a similar fate as Dr. Nielsen’s wife.
Today here in Vienna it was rainy and cloudy. The sun didn’t break through the whole day. In the morning I took a walk and reflected about Robin Williams‘ death in connection with the story of the movie. It dawned on me that he might be in serious trouble and in need for help. So I asked God to send him an angel to save him from his misery. The very moment I had uttered my plea the cloudy sky opened a tiny spot where the sun suddenly bursted through and for a couple of seconds I was bathed in glittering light. Then the sun disappeared again for the rest of the day.
Dear Mr. Williams, I wish you all the best.
Heavenly Yours
A dog once read my mind
2014 09 21
I had a job in a small company where the owner sometimes brought his dog. It was a great dane – great in a very literal way. It could lay his forepaws on a grown man’s shoulders and look him straight in his eyes. Also the weight was comparable to a grown man. So you can easily imagine that it took me quite some time to get used to it. Contrary to the tremendous physical appearance it was as harmless as can be. No need to worry. But since it additionally had the habbit to drool and then occasionally shake his head and thereby spread the drool allover the place, I kept a certain distance. And so did the dog. Over the period of more than half a year it didn’t approach me even once. It simply ignored me whenever I entered the office.
Then I happened to read the book „The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals“ by Carol Gurney. She asserted, that it is possible to communicate with animals by sending them a picture that we imagine in our mind that shows them what we want them to do. I got curios and wanted to try it out. Since my bosses dog was the only one available it was the first thing I did the next morning. I set on my desk, as usually as far away from the dog as possible. I started my computer and in my mind I created this picture of the dog comming to my desk and imagined the picture being transferred with a beam of light to the dog. Then I concentrated on entering my password. A minute later when my mind was already busy with my work all of a sudden the dog stood near my chair and looked me in the eyes, face to face (yes, it is this tall). I dropped my pen and hardly believed what just happened. After a couple of seconds the dog turned and went back to its place.
This was years ago and it completely changed my way of looking at animals, also the small ones like I told in „Grasshopper reloaded„.
Heavenly yours
Heaven can wait
2015 02 15
As in all relationships, also the one with my wife has ups and downs. Once when we had an up, I was lying in bed next to her, feeling happy as can be. It was late at night. I looked up on the ceiling, having no particular thought in my mind and enjoyed being happy. Then I realized, that the ceiling wasn’t there anymore. Instead I saw the sky above. There where no clouds and in awe I looked at the stars. Then the room disappeared as well. The two of us were lying right in the center of the universe.
Amazed I looked around. I felt in oneness with the cosmos who had been created just around the two of us. I said to my wife: „Look! The room is gone and we are at the center of the universe!“ It took her a while until she answered: „Come on, I’m tired!“ Then she turned around on the other side and continued to sleep.
Heavenly Yours
Be aware!
2015 02 23
Recently I read again „The Power of Now“ by Eckhart Tolle. I first read it about 12 years ago and I liked it, but it didn’t have too much of an impact on me. Anyway, this time it really hit me and so I remind myself as often as possible to stop thinking, be in the now and enjoy being present in the present moment – as he recomends. As many of you know, that’s not easy at all. Sometimes hours pass where I am lost in thoughts, dreaming about a future to come or a past that is forever gone and miss the present moment – the only one that ever is. So I asked my heavenly companions to remind me through out the day to be present here in the now.
The other day I took the Subway. Here in Vienna they inform you from time to time by loudspeaker to behave in a certain way and keep certain rules. They always introduce this announcement with „Be aware …!“ I heard it hundreds of times and never payed much attention to it. But this time I had an insight. All of a sudden this introduction „Be aware!“ sounded like a request, a call for beeing present. A very personal call to be aware.
By the way, there is a game that I play from time to time with my kids. It consists of two trick questions. The first one is, „What time is it?“. Usually one has a look on his watch and then tells the time. But the correct answer is, „Now!“. The second question is best to be asked when being on a trip in a car or train. One pretends to be a little bit lost and then asks innocently, „Where are we?“. As you can already guess, the correct anwer is, „Here!“.
Heavenly Yours
Ask and you shall be given
2015 05 28
Here in Vienna we have 40 branches of the public library. About once a week I drop by in one or the other to look for certain new books or DVDs. But some of them are much sought after by many people and so it is hard to get them. Yesterday I planed to check the online catalog for a certain new DVD but then I forgot about it. Today I dropped by at my local library branch to return a book and generally asked the librarian if they had any new DVDs available. And guess what she held in her hands at this moment? Yes, the very one that I was looking for.
Heavenly yours
Heavenly Neighborhood
2015 06 11
My friend recently was doing some garden work and thereby using an old wheelbarrow that she filled with potting soil. After filling it up and starting to push it a very annoying and squeaking noise was made by the wheel. It surely needed some lubrication. But on the one hand she didn’t have lubricant and on the other hand, as she admitted to me, it is the kind of maintenance she would have preferred to be done by a man – who wasn’t part of her life right now. So she thought to herself: „It would be nice if my neighbor would come over to help me out. But I don’t want to bother him with it.“ She pushed the wheelbarrow across her garden, emptied it and pushed it back to her house.
Their waited already her neighbor, holding in his hand a can of lubricant, saying: „You know, I actually don’t want to embarrass you by offering you my help – I am convinced that you would do it by yourself soon. But my ears can’t wait any longer and so I ask you for the favor of allowing me to lubricate the wheel of your wheelbarrow!“
Heavenly yours