Blog English 1-10


2013 12 30

I just came home from an event with about 70 participants of acquaintances of mine I sometimes have to work with. Since a couple of weeks I pray daily for a handful of this people who are facing severe struggles (as usually in such cases they don’t know that I pray for them). Because my babysitter got suddenly sick I was late and had to take the only seat left and so I come to sit on the very table where already exactly these people sit I pray for. Didn’t expect that because they even don’t work in the same departments. They only have in common that I pray for them.

Later on I recognize a certain pair of gloves on the table which belongs to one of these people I pray for. But I don’t pay attention to it. As I leave at the end of the evening I get my coat from the wardrobe and in its pocket I find these very gloves. As I go back to hand them over to the owner I get thanked by this person abundantly. At this moment I realize that this wasn’t actually for returning the gloves.

Heavenly yours


Tom Hanks and Christmas

2013 12 31

To be guided by my heavenly companions means to receive joy unexpectedly. For days I was looking for christmas presents for my beloved ones. Shortly before christmas on my way home in a streetcar I got the inspiration to get off the next station and go to a certain shop. Immediately after entering a book leaped to my eye. „Hero“ by Rhonda Byrne. And before I could start to analyze the situation intellecutally, I knew that this is the right present for a certain friend.

A little bit further there stood a box with about 200 DVDs with a special price for sale. As I started to go through them a picture of a DVD appeared in my mind: „The money pit“ – a funny movie with Tom Hanks, which I saw in the 80s. And indeed one minute later I found this very DVD. The movie fits perfectly for another friend who bought a house and got in similar trouble like Tom Hanks in the movie – which in reality is very pathetic. The movie will hopefully help my friend to see the funny side of his predicament.

Back home I browsed in the book „Hero“ and got inspired to finally get started with this blog. The name „News from Heaven“ came already one year ago to my mind. Actually it was inspired by my heavenly companions and I immediately registered the domain. It however took me another year to finally figure out what to exactly do with it and then get the blog started.

Heavenly yours


„You shepherds awake“ (German Christmas Carol from the 18th century)

2014 01 01

Two weeks ago my son reminded me to train for our traditional christmas singing at the christmas gathering. So I got my guitar, my new songbook with old christmas carols sung centuries ago, picked a song I didn’t know and started singing.

Al of a sudden the room was crowded with heavenly presence of a large group of whoever it was (I never „see“ them) who joined me in singing (althoug I don’t „hear“ them either). They where deeply moved by the song and where happy that somebody at last sung it again. I cought their emotions. What a holy feeling.

Later I realised why I as a young boy loved so much to sing christmas songs with my family. It was the atmosphere that came by their heavenly presence of whoever „they“ are.

I call them my heavenly companions. Although this time some of them where new to me. And the new ones didn’t stay.

Heavenly yours


Language is inspired

2014 01 02

The english language is pretty meaningful. As the word „inspiration“ shows, we don’t create an idea ourselves but it comes from outside (latin „inspirare“ to breathe, which also stands for revelation). Revelation comes from „re-veil“ (latin „revelare“), to remove the veil. And by the act of removing a veil we don’t create something new but discover something which was already there (dis-cover).

The more I develop* my spritual abilities the more I realize that all this „ideas“ that I have are not mine but actually do come from outside. They are granted to me by my heavenly companions.

*And by the way, „to develop“ actually indicates that we don’t learn something new but realize what was already there: de-velop, which again means to unveil something by removing an (en)velope.

Words in general convey a certain meaning – not only in English. Also characters like in Chinese convey a meaning as words do with phonetic trancsription. For instance the character for „human being“ 人 consists of two parts supporting each other. So one without the other cannot fulfill his (or her) purpose. We also could recognize in them male and female. One of them allone covers only half of humankind. Language indeed ist inspired.

Heavenly yours


From Recipient to Participant

2014 01 03

When I have a problem to solve I ask my heavenly companions for a solution. Sometimes they answer in the same instant, immediately, directly. For instance when I stand in the kitchen and – after looking around for quite some time – I ask them to show me the saltshaker and it leaps into my eye the very moment the question is asked. Or they answer indirectly through other people, a symbol, a book or a movie. Sometimes I wait for years. Like when it took me several years to realize the connection between my migraine and a lack of drinking water the day before. So my patience is always rewarded with an inspiration.

Ever since I got used to acknowledge every inspiration as coming from my heavenly companions, I always thank them sincerely. In general I thank them by speaking out „thank you“ more or less loud, or I at least tell it in my mind. Even though me thanking isn’t this important for the heavenly side, I feel much more enriched by receiving the inspiration with gratitude. Just receiving is a unidirectionial way, while the act of asking, receiving, thanking and asking again creates a circular motion. From being a recipient I become an active participant.

Heavenly yours


Buddha waits around the corner

2014 01 06

I wanted to get a small statue of Buddha for my friend for christmas. Since weeks I was looking for it. But if I found one at all then it was either too big or far too expensive. A couple of days before christmas I finally asked my heavenly companions for guidance. An hour later when I was in front of a restaurant where I wanted to have lunch I suddenly „heard“ the message that I should turn left on the next corner and the

Betender Buddha aus Stein, mit einem brennenden Teelicht auf dem Schoß. Praying Buddha made of stone with a burning tea light on the lap.

re would be a shop with the buddha statue. However, I didn’t take this too serious and since I was really hungry I went in the restaurant instead. When I came out again 30 minutes later I had already forgotten about the message and walked on. After a few steps I again „heard“ them say: „Next street turn left, first shop on the left.“ So I went as told and found a big interior shop. The friendly shop lady told me that they of course have statues of buddha, even in several sizes. Not only that they had the perfect size also the price was very reasonable. I thanked my heavenly companions and bought a statue.

Heavenly Yours


When Prince Charles came to see me

2014 01 07

Two years ago I had a dream where I was lying sick in bed in a hospital. The door opened and to my surprise Prince Charles of England came in to visit me. As usually he was dressed with a perfectly tailored suit and wore a tie. He took a seat near my bed and asked me how I was. After my answer he continued in welsh, by which he made me realize that I actually had answered his question in german which he couldn’t understand. So I repeated my answer in english. He smiled because I understood his hint and we continued to talk for a while. Then he got his wallet out of his jacket, took 3 green papers and put them under my pillow. I thanked him and after a few words of goodbye he left. When I looked under my pillow I found there no money. There were 3 Lotto coupons. Then I awoke.

To me it was clear that this was a sign from my heavenly companions that I should play the Lottery. But a big question remained. Which numbers? Actually I quit playing the Lottery five years ago for several reasons. But since I was shure that this dream was no coincidence, I decided to do it again one more time. So I asked my heavenly companions for the numbers. It didn’t take long and the numbers came to my mind. They acutally sounded familiar. This numbers I always used in the past before I quit. I felt great and exited. I started to think what I would do with the money if I would win. First paying off some debts. Then I could get the farm I always wanted to have, a place where I would create a center for peaceminded people, willing to change the world for the better. And of course I would be openminded for heavenly inspirations about using the money to help people in need.

To make a long story short, I didn’t win. Nothing. The numbers were completely wrong. I was really disappointed. I even got angry and complained to my heavenly companions. „What’s all this fuzz, sending me a dream, reminding me on my old numbers and then – nothing?!“ Well, since I know it’s never helpful to complain or get angry, I stopped it and just asked them without the negative emotions. I asked my heavenly companions what all this ment? After a couple of days of asking, waiting and thinking it dawned on me.

It was a test. Imagine a very rich and very busy man who wants to help many people in a foreign country where he can’t go by himself. So he asks a supposedly trustworthy money manager to receive a million dollars and then donate it to people in need. But the first thing that comes to the managers mind is to use the money for his own needs and then to help other people with the rest of it. Shure he would deserve some fee for his service, but the point is that he shouldn’t just use it for himself first. It was a test. And I failed it.

I wasn’t ready back then when I had that dream. And honestly, I’m not shure if I am ready by now. But I understand where this journey goes.

Heavenly yours


Alchemists and Grasshoppers

2014 01 19

Last summer I read the book „The Alchemist“ by Paulo Coelho. I was going on a bus at night as I read the very chapter where he explains that seeing a grashopper is a sign for having good luck. I thought to myself: „That’s pretty interesting because I never heard of that before.“ I got off the bus and walked on. Outside it was hot. All of a sudden something small flew towards me and landed on my chest right where my heart is. To my very surprise it was a big grashopper, about 3 cm long. I stopped, stared at it and could hardly believe what just had happened. A moment later the grasshopper took off again. In my whole life never ever before did a grashopper land on me.

Live is wonderful.

Heavenly yours


Grasshopper reloaded

2014 01 23

A couple of days after my first encounter with a grasshopper (see last entry) I sat on the bench of a busstation. I heard  something chirping behind me and as I looked back there was a grasshopper sitting on the wall. I got curious how it actually made that sound and so I said to it in my mind: „Dear grasshopper, would you mind coming over and show me how you chirp?“ After finishing that thought it flew on my naked forearm and started crawling towards my shoulder. Since it was rather small I put my arm close to my eyes in order to see exactly what it was doing. As I watched it closely and waited for it to show me how it chirped, I observed it emptying its bowels. This little fella stopped, dropped a tiny bit of something from its rear on my arm and then walked on till it reached my shoulder.

Maybe the experts on omen and fortune telling will not agree with me, but here in Vienna we say „you just stepped into your good luck“ if you happen to step in dogs excrement. So, in a sense, meeting this grashopper was like having two good omen at once. First the grasshopper itself as a sign of good luck and secondly by delighting me with its little gift, it made it very clear that I am really lucky ;-)

Heavenly yours


On a Highway to Heaven

2014 02 02

A good friend of mine is from Germany and already lives in Austria since some years. For several reasons she sometimes is not happy with her situation here and therefore from time to time she thinks about moving back to Germany. Once I had a dream in which she was very angry about her situation here in Austria and therefore she got on her car and drove off towards Germany. She drove very agressively and way too fast and therefore caused several accidents. Then I woke up. I was worried how she was doing and wondered if maybe she was really on her way to Germany? So I called her but she didn’t answer the phone. Several minutes later I receivd her text message: „I’m on my way to Germany and will come back in two days.“

Now I was really worried. I started to pray for her safe trip. But since I came to understand that worrying can make things worse I not only prayed but also created a picture in my mind of her coming back safe and sound. I continued to do so and prayed for her whenever I found time. Two days later I called her and she told me: „I had planned this trip in advance to visit my daughter. On our way there my husband insisted to drive himself. For the way back we planned to take shifts. He took the first. Usually I cannot sleep while driving but then I got so tired that I fell asleep anyway. After I woke up I told him that now it’s my turn. But he said that I slept the whole trip and that since we are almost home there is no meaning in taking over.“

Heavenly Yours
