
What this blog is about

I write about experiences that are inspiring or delighting to me. Some of these experiences are very personal and can hardly be put in words. To get the meaning of a single posting it is helpful to read others as well. 

Heavenly yours



I am forgiven

I forgive you

I forgive myself

I give myself to God

I give my self to God for His Self

I there-for-give you my self


Coming back from a motorbike ride my keys were not any longer in my bag. After checking my pockets and my bag over and over again it became obvious that I lost them somewhere on the way. Oh my dear, it was a bunch with 6 keys in total. Getting new ones would take some time and even more money. But then I realized that I was seemingly already accepting that they are gone. No, no! – I said to myself. Over the years I got fond of my keys. I even love them. And as I want to become one with God, the source of Love, so do my keys. They want to be with me, the source of their love. Therefore they will come back! – I said to myself. And from that moment on I told everyone to whom I mentioned that my keys went missing: They‘ll be back! 

I made a report at the lost property office and visualised my keys coming back. Three days later I was still sure they would arrive soon. Not everybody agread. Five days later I was still sure but some family members were rather not. Seven days later I was still shure but some family members got annoyed for having to share their key with me, saying: „Freedom of believe is fine but in this case it sucks – no offence! And despite of that we gonna need a spare key anyway, won’t we?“ Fair enough. Ten days later I was still sure and got new keys made – for the sake of peace in the familiy. 

After two weeks my keys where in the mailbox. They where handed in at the lost property office. Being twisted and crooked like having been run over by trucks, their appearance told of a rather rough journey. The crooked keys could be straightened out again. The key ring was kept in its shape. It reminds me that everything that is loved wants to become one with its source of love.

Well, you may think I was just lucky. But shortly afterwards my friend lost his key. Immediately my story came to his mind. So he said to himself that his key wants to come back to its source of love and he stayed confident. Three days later the janitor rang at his door and handed him over his lost key.

Heavenly yours
